Living on the Canal

Living on the Canal
Creation of an Eco-Quarter, Marckolsheim (67)

Client: Ville de Marckolsheim, ADAUHR (Agence Départementale Aménagement Urbanisme Haut-Rhin)
Team: G. Studio, architectes urbanistes (mandataire) – Après la pluie, paysagistes – SLI, ingénierie VRD – AEU, écologie urbaine – ITEM, Bureau d’étude circulation – E3, économie de la construction
Mission: Concours d’idée, projet lauréat

Progress: Etudes
Delivery Date: Mars 2015
Area: 130.000 m2 dont 50.000 m2 d’espaces publics
Cost: 5.700.000€

The urban proposition for this area comes from the spatial translation of history and geography of Marckolsheim.  The infrastructures (canal from the Rhône to the Rhin) the vegetation, topography, the hydrographic network, the history of the place and traces of old orchards make up the framework for building this new quarter. It enables the development of concerted urbanism around a framework of major public spaces that can invite different types of operators and respond to the expectations and means of the future inhabitants.
The project is tied to the banks of the canal; the vegetation ambience that characterizes it infiltrates the quarter to encounter different natural or functional structures. Their encounters or superpositions generate singular situations on the plot on the whole so that it is possible to envisage different ways of life or ways of living.