The Montlouis sur Loire Activities Business Park

The Montlouis sur Loire Activities Business Park
Creation of the “Qualiparc Est Tourangeau” Montlouis-sur-Loire (37)

Client: SET (Société d’Equipement de Touraine)
Team: DMP, architectes urbanistes (mandataire) – Après la pluie, paysagistes – Artélia, ingénierie VRD
Mission: Orientations et programmation, Maîtrise d’œuvre des espaces publics, Cahier des charges des macro-lots

Progress: Etudes
Delivery Date:
Area: 90.000 m2
Cost: 3.900.000 € (espaces publics)

The Montlouis community located between the valleys of the Loire and Cher rivers realizes the great quality of the landscapes and and has made them into a real issue in the enhancement and in the protection from unchecked urbanization.
The “Qualiparc Est Tourangeau” project is set up on the last zoned parcel on the community land, on the boundary of the plateau dominated by grapevines and copses.
And so the stakes for the development of an ideal environmental service business park and the territorial anchoring between these two valleys coexist.
The project makes a hybride territory with modern stakes by creating positive coexistence between an ecological landscape, and naturally rich heritage, and the development of well-established programs.
In the continuity of the project for an eco-quarter, “Les Hauts de Montlouis” the landscape of the business park constitutes a true ecotone and takes a determining role in the interconnection of the ecosystems on the plateau. It affirms its particularity between the activity hub, open to all, representing accessible biodiversity and an innovative area that makes up a link in the urban ecosystem.